About Sudan Is She 


The reason I have decided to pour my heart out for others to see might seem like a self centered new age “lets talk about me” type of thing from the onset. But if you take some time to shake off the stereotypes and  see past the obvious; then I hope you will understand that I want to talk about two very unpopular topics that I have struggled to explain for years.

My shameless love for Sudan and my struggle with a turbulent soul. Both not very popular or spoken about in this country’s context. Especially since most of the time, people think one of the strongest indicators for my lurking insanity is my insatiable love for this blessed and cursed land I call home.

This blog is about the brokenness and opportunity of both Sudan and myself. It is a tool that I am using to heal myself; a form of therapy to be at peace with my love for Sudan and a way to encourage others to see it through the eyes of someone who has a very real struggle with mental turbulence.

I hope that reading through these words can provide a space for others to find peace for their own personal struggles and rid themselves of the shame of loving their troubled selves, their love for Sudan and their habits of judgement.

This is a blog about Nothing and Everything.

About the Sudan in millions of us.

The secret love hate relationship we have.

No claims to truth or facts; just how it is to be a shameless lover of all things Self and all things Sudan.

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